Take Action


The eco-sustainable Menstrual Movement

Be an eco-sustainability advocate

Why should you join the ecoperiod™ movement?

Eco-sustainability and gender inequity, the two most pressing issues of our times, can be addressed only and only when the 3 pillars of human civilisation – societies, governments and markets – take conscious and positive actions that focus on women and the natural environment. Today, we are living in times when each individual’s choice to do or to not do something has a direct impact on the future of our planet and consequently, the future of our children. If you are an individual, an organisation or a government body that identifies, recognises, and want to take action to make this world equitable and habitable, JOIN US.

Ways to join


A strong volunteer network is the backbone of any non-profit organisation. Our volunteers organise ecoperiod™ Product Drives and ecoperiod™ Action Days in schools, colleges, and work places. We encourage the youth, students and working professionals, to join our cause.


Passionate about working at the grassroots level? We provide fellowship opportunities in eco-sustainability and gender equity, where your efforts contribute directly to impact the outcome.

Watch out for this space for fellowships.


No business can be truly successful if the world around them is crumbling. Businesses have a responsibility towards the society and the environment for and within which they operate. They must act simply because it is the right thing to do and also because they have the means and the resources to do so. We can help organisations meet their CSR goals.


Doing the right thing sometimes requires more than courage. We invite philanthropists, philanthropies, and think tanks to join our cause and help us in achieving our goals for an equitable and sustainable tomorrow.


No development undertaking can ever become a reality for the masses without the involvement of govt. & local authorities. We work with local bodies to address the issues of gender inequity and environmental degradation at the grassroots level.

JOIN ecoperiod™ ALLIANCE

In order to impact at scale, collaboration with cross-sector partners that complement our mission is important. Our individual impacts and outcomes are limited but the impact and outcome of a collective network of strategic partnerships all sharing the same vision can be exponential.

Lets Join Forces to address the need of menstrual equity and eco-sustainability.

connect with us: impact@ecoperiod.org